RWNYC 2024

How great was that?

From just scraping together five participants for 2023, the Ely Fen Tigers managed to field two teams plus two reserves for the 2024 competition on 6th July in London! How amazing was that?!

Here you can see team members in their distinctive orange tee shirts assembled in St Paul's Cathedral in London at the end of the day, waiting to hear the results and to be presented with their medals. Wowee!

The two mascots

Crossing the road - casual?!

Which way?

Waiting for the results

The results

Dee had the brilliant idea of naming the two teams Bengal and Siberian Fen Tigers, rather than A and B or something like that. 

We entered the 6 bell Call Change competition at St James Garlickhythe and rang at 10:20 and 10:40am so we were lucky to get the stress of competing out of the way so that we could then go on and enjoy the day, grabbing the prestigious towers of London City. 

Bengal Fen Tigers were awarded equal 3rd place, a fantastic result. And those who had the experience of being in the 2023 team felt much more confident about what they were doing this time.

Siberian Fen Tigers were awarded equal 8ths place, which again was a fantastic result. Some of the band were from the 2023 team to provide a stable structure for the newer ringers. But last minute squad changes meant that a new conductor had to be found and we moved from calling up to calling down. So given all that, the band pulled a really solid performance out of the hat on the day. Amazing!

Well done everyone!

Ringing the 10th

Ringing the 9th at Bow


St Paul's Cathedral steps

Mascot plus owner

Bengal Fen Tigers

Siberian Fen Tigers

Ringing at Bow (somewhere round the middle!)

St Lawrence Jewry

St Lawrence Jewry

How many boxes?

Easy peasy!

Highlight of the day?

This was, for one person at least - to ring Bow tenor!

The 2024 tee shirts

It was exciting to receive our wrist bands and programmes in the post

Wow what a lot of ringers!

You can see the Fen Tigers sat in front of St Paul's Cathedral in our distinctive orange tee shirts on the right