RWNYC 2023

York Minster looks big!

View from the ringing chamber

Lunchtime in the Shambles

A welcome ice cream!

Held on 8th July in York, three families plus Dee and Lesley travelled there for a weekend of fun!

Here pictured is the 2023 Fen Tigers band with their medals - 1 Daisy, 2 Hannah, [Not shown - 3 Anna White (borrowed from the NDA band)], 4 John Mark, 5 Oliver, 6 Brin (C) with Team Organisers Dee and Lesley.

Fen Tigers achieved equal 13th in the 6 bell Call Changes competition which was amazing since everyone had to learn at least one of the following: ringing call changes, leading consistently, calling a call change touch. Not one person was competition-ready! Originally we thought we would simply join in and ring at the towers which were open on the day, but the competition organisers encouraged us to participate in the competition, even though we were one ringer short. David Hull and his team went out of their way to be encouraging and supportive, so many thanks to them for this! We enjoyed immensely the whole weekend.

The 2023 Tee Shirt logo

Our competition ringing schedule

Eating pizza in York Minster

Ringing at York Minster

Touring the other towers with the NDA Young Ringers

The competition tower!

More pizza at York Minster

Rest and recreation