Outing to Oxford, February 2015
EDA Young Ringers outing to Oxford, jointly with ODG Young Ringers, 18/02/2015
We had a great time, organised for us by Susan Read from Oxford. Thank you, Susan!
And here is the story of our day in pictures (click on a picture to see a larger version):
Here is Rachel's report of the day:
On Wednesday the 18th of February a group of 11 young ringers from Ely DA and their parents and helpers embarked on an enjoyable day of ringing at Oxford.
At 11 o'clock, in St Mary Magdalene (10, 7-1-12), we met the Oxford young ringers who we would be spending the rest of the day with. After several courses of rounds and a couple of Plain Hunt Caters attempts we moved onto lunch at the Slug and Lettuce which is inside Oxford Castle.
After a refreshing and filling lunch the majority of the young ringers embarked on a tower grab at St Giles (8, 14-0-0) then onto a treasure hunt. This was organised by the Oxford young ringers and incorporated some of the major sites in Oxford and directed the ringers to the next tower.
Meanwhile a group of 8 young ringers (4 from each diocese) attempted to ring a quarter peal of Plain Bob Triples. Sadly fate was not shining on us and we failed to achieve a successful QP. We thus set out also on the treasure hunt which led us to St Aldates (6, 11-1-2).
After brief ringing the group then travelled to our final tower, St Thomas (10, 11-2-6). Barbara Le Gallez encouraged the Ely DA young ringers to practice their competition touch as she thought it is the tower where the RWNYC will be held later this year.
We were then treated to a touch of Cambridge Major by the more experienced young ringers from both diocese. The day finished with the prize giving from the treasure hunt (well done to team Carrot) and some lovely cake.
Thanks must go to Barbara Le Gallez, Susan Read (Oxford DA), The Oxford young ringers and their helpers, Alan Winter, Dee Smith and our parents.
Rachel Frost
Here is a recording of the ringing at St Giles